Perched below the summit of a glacial drumlin in kettle moraine region is poised a pinwheel shaped home in weightless anticipation of uplifted flight. With a guarded point of refuge and lookout, its windswept dormers and cantilevered planes are the indicators of the spatial dynamisms.

Folded origamic planes and asymmetric prismatic volumes define the chambered spaces of the single loaded spinal bedroom wing and single cell wings. The interlocking slopped volumes provide for extended soaring views out and within.

A restrained exterior of weathering materials is a literal statement of indigenous sources, while the interiors are laced with a craft refinement of an equally Zen-like presence. The first glance simplicity reveals a more complete interdependence of structure, form, space and place. Although sat approximately 10,000 sq.ft., intimacy is in companionship with open expanse. The spatial volumes are recurring units that in combination create a diverse totality. With and underscored reference to identifiable Prairie School precedents, this home's vitality is not limited by them. Aerodynamics of this unique site has embraced the building in a delicate balance of fluidity and containment.

P R O J EC T S : : R E S I D E N T I A L